eJournals Subject wise
EBSCO’s EconLit with FullText and Social Sciences with FullText and JSTOR together provide access to 4500 full text journals. A subject-wise breakdown of these journal collections is below.
Economics & Business | 1378
Finance & Accounting | 30 |
Banking, Finance & Investing | 91 |
Business (General) | 29 |
Business History | 238 |
Business Models | 16 |
Economics | 910 |
Management | 64 |
Urban Studies | 46
Urban Studies | 46 |
History & Geography | 707
Geography | 222 |
Archaeology | 77 |
African American Studies | 80 |
American Studies | 126 |
Asian Studies | 80 |
British Studies;History;Political Science | 17 |
Classical Studies | 36 |
Slavic Studies | 11 |
Middle east studies | 20 |
Latin American Studies | 38 |
Religion & Philosophy | 130
Religion | 41 |
Philosophy | 89 |
Science | 547
Topical History n Therapeutics | 13 |
Clinical Specialties | 12 |
Health & Medicine | 99 |
Engineering and Electronic | 11 |
Life Sciences | 270 |
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | 21 |
Aquatic sciences | 16 |
Statistics & computing | 44 |
Mathematics | 29 |
Science and Technology | 32 |
Social Sciences | 861
Activism & Advocacy | 11 |
Education | 285 |
Industries | 36 |
Political Science & Studies | 124 |
Anthropology | 120 |
Psychology | 52 |
Sociology | 99 |
Humanities | 43 |
Feminist | 27 |
Social sciences | 43 |
Social work | 10 |
Gender studies | 11 |
Public Policy & International Relations | 324
Public Policy | 265 |
Diplomacy & International Relations | 59 |
Law & Legal Studies | 193
Commercial Law | 28 |
Law and Labour | 165 |
Demographics | 46
Population | 35 |
Demography | 11 |
General & References | 35
Bibliography & General Science | 25 |
Library Science | 10 |
Art & Architecture | 321
Art & Art History | 209 |
Film Studies | 15 |
Folklore | 19 |
Music, performing arts | 78 |
Languages & Literature | 247
Linguistics | 27 |
Language & Literature | 220 |